The word is, the first time Siri was demoed to Steve Jobs (it was one of the last things he worked on before being permanently hospitalized) he grabbed the phone out of the employee’s hand and asked, “Siri, are you a man or a woman?” to which Siri replied that it didn’t know and it didn’t matter.
Siri is trans non-binary. If Siri was a person their life would be in danger.
If Siri is a person, she will be locked up and deported.
The word is, the first time Siri was demoed to Steve Jobs (it was one of the last things he worked on before being permanently hospitalized) he grabbed the phone out of the employee’s hand and asked, “Siri, are you a man or a woman?” to which Siri replied that it didn’t know and it didn’t matter.
Siri is
transnon-binary. If Siri was a person their life would be in danger.Sounds more like non-binary to me.
Point well taken.