After a post has been deleted by a mod it will no longer appear in my history. Could you add make them still appear in my “timeline”, and mark them accordingly?
It deals kind of odd when the post just disappear, and I am sometimes questioning my memory.
While I understand it is maybe a backend topic, could you nevertheless add also a notification that the post has been moderated. Maybe also add a direct link between this notification and the modlog.
This one is not really possible via the API. It is odd that there is no notification of any kind for content removal. The most I could do here is like you said, send a notification when one of your posts or comments is moderated.
I’m in the process of rewriting the notification server, so I’ll look into adding moderation notifications while I’m at it. Hopefully at some point Lemmy will handle removed content better than its current system.
For me it would be sufficient if the post remains in my timeline, and to have a strong visual difference from the rest. A notification would be nice, but I think it is also fine without it.