Just some additional advertising for todays boycott.

  • @[email protected]
    159 hours ago

    The way I see it, you have to start small before you can go big. Get people used to the idea so when you call for a general strike later, it doesn’t seem totally outlandish.

    • @WarlordSdocy
      47 hours ago

      Then there should be a stronger focus on getting people to organize and unionize in their workplace. Cause a general strike won’t work without a strong organized work force and this kind of action focuses much more on individual action that makes you feel like you’re doing something when you’re really not. I’d rather direct the energy that people have right now towards things that will actually have an impact like providing resources and pushing people to unionize to build the base needed for a general strike.

      • @Jumpingspiderman
        15 hours ago

        I think the bad guys are actually making it easier to have an effective strike. The bad guys are cutting employment to the bone and beyond- so it’s way worse for them if even a small percentage of their workforce doesn’t show up, and stuff doesn’t get done

        • @WarlordSdocy
          25 hours ago

          It still has to be organized though with a union, you need things like strike funds and the small amount of legal protections that come with having a union such as preventing them from just firing the workers who don’t show up. It has to be a large amount of people that are organized, otherwise the companies can just fire them and find replacements and the strike will be over.

    • @[email protected]
      7 hours ago

      Organizing around denying consumption is the exact opposite of what a general strike would do. This does nothing but make people feel like nothing they do matters because it’s focusing on the exact opposite of what we should be organizing on. We should be organizing around labor.

      I can’t tell if these online “consumption power” movements are just a reflection of the complete lack of class consciousness. Or if they are planned distractions that are designed to fail to make people feel powerless. I think it’s a bit of both.

    • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
      7 hours ago

      I suppose that’s a decent point. Like I said, I’ll still participate and I’m not trying to be defeatist about it. Let’s see where things go!