Wait… did it wed them by race, or did it wed the 9 men, the 7 dwarves, the 3 elves, and Sauron all together? Because unless I’m mistaken, Galadriel is the only woman amongst them, and I would not envy her.
The three elven rings were made after by a wannabe so by law they don’t join the polycule anyway. So no Gandalf, Galadriel or Elrond. Or they make a thruple.
Wait… did it wed them by race, or did it wed the 9 men, the 7 dwarves, the 3 elves, and Sauron all together? Because unless I’m mistaken, Galadriel is the only woman amongst them, and I would not envy her.
The three elven rings were made after by a wannabe so by law they don’t join the polycule anyway. So no Gandalf, Galadriel or Elrond. Or they make a thruple.
I honestly didn’t even know that. Thanks!
Year, Sauron didn’t forge the elven ones, … but also they weren’t finger rings so women were excluded.