• @andros_rex
    2 days ago

    It’s amazing how kids in suburban middle class schools assume that you have to say the pledge. Lots of the stupider members of the the teaching profession seem to think that too.

    It is funny that right was won for us by Jehovah’s Witnesses, as much of a nasty piece of work Watchtower tends to be as an organization.

    • @blazeknave
      11 day ago

      I sat starting in 6th grade. Was told I don’t have to participate but need to stand.

    • @Anamnesis
      42 days ago

      I got sent to the principal’s office for not standing for the pledge or saying it. The principal was basically like, “look kid, do you have to be disruptive like this?” But he couldn’t do anything. I guess we have one thing to thank the JWs for.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      That’s how freedom is supposed to work.

      What’s obnoxious to one is holy writ to someone else.

      • @andros_rex
        62 days ago

        I’m not a big fan of their “freedom” to let their kids bleed out, but you take some, you lose some.

              • @andros_rex
                42 days ago

                No, but they have fought very hard for the right to prevent their children from getting one.

                Just like the Christian Scientists have fought for the right to complete, outright medical neglect of their children and got that enshrined into law, as well as shoving up Ellen Whites made up word definitions into the dictionary.

                  • @andros_rex
                    42 days ago

                    I’m cool with people choosing to decline medical care for themselves.

                    Ie, a fourteen year old choosing to die is upsetting, and he was indoctrinated, but it was his choice.

                    They celebrate children choosing to die rather than receive blood transfusions in their propaganda, which probably means that they’re making the decision out of a desired matryrdom, but at least a teenager can meaningfully choose.

                    Its the strategies for denying medical care to infants and small children that particularly upset me. I tend to recognize the state as having an obligation to overrule “parent rights” when a child’s life is in danger. I’m furious that due to their stupid, barely consistent belief system and absolutely imbecilic interpretation of a single Bible line about “eating blood” there are children who did not grow up. (As well as all the children that did grow up, but were told not to go to college and expect a future, or had their sexual abuse covered up the way that their fucking secret (leaked if you look) elder’s manual that gave a play by play for covering up sexual abuse.)