What conservatives don’t understand is we know you’re full of shit because you raised us. You idealize about a time that never was and we know it because we watched it destroy you. We were all raised in broken homes because you broke them. We watched the war on drugs destroy our neighborhoods because you were the ones who were xenophobic. We know this is all fantasy because we watched you fail and we don’t want that for ourselves or anyone.
So please. Keep your fetishes in the bed room.
Ok, tell me about your fantastical childhood.
Edit: I speak for the people who hid the fact they collected food stamps because they were made ashamed. I speak for the kids in “banana splits” because they didn’t understand divorce meant risk. I speak for all the kids in detention and after-school programs and given the label “troubled youths”.
So, please tell me about you.
Edit2: “my” trauma comes with data
This was not my experience, except I do agree that the war on drugs has done way more damage than good. The shitty, modern sociopolitical climate you’re projecting onto the past simply is not what I remember of the past.
EDIT: Again, speaking for others, as if you’re some sort of savior and they are voiceless invalids. Just speak for yourself.
You say that but you were there. Your friends were there. You might even have felt awkward and had to lie about your parents being divorced to fit in. Don’t give me some tall tale. Tell me what you saw.
Edit: I’ll speak for the people who actually need a voice. It’s not trad wife role-playing conservatives. It’s people who are now just trying to make ends meet while the world falls to shit around them.
I don’t know what to tell you, I had a pretty great childhood despite being low income. My family were fairly apolitical rednecks. I remember them voting Perot at one point, though. I grew up in a multicultural community in the country, mostly white and hispanic. The only drug problems we witnessed were our hippy stoner uncles.
Sorry to burst your bubble, bub.
You had me until “bub.” My hippie stoner uncles turned out to also be cocaine addicts, pushers, and pimps. Amazing what adults can hide from kids.
Sorry to hear that. I think mine were fairly harmless, but you’re right, people can be great at hiding things. They call them skeletons for a reason, I suppose.
Yes sir. It’s time we dig them up and give them a proper burial, and grieve our illusions and dream up a better reality.
Define “low income”, bub.
I don’t recall my father’s take away, but we lived in a trailer in the woods, shopped at Ross, and couldn’t take vacations.
Just because my previous comment was removed:
This is not the the fetishized idea of america conservatives get off on. While your life experience is valid it does not represent what this picture is depicting.
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…I’d try to get this conversation back on track, but I don’t even care.
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