That said, as a parent of 5 kids, I’m more concerned for false positives. I’ve heard enough horror stories about parents getting arrested over completely innocent pics of their kids as toddlers or infants, that may have genitalia showing. Like them at 6 months old doing something silly in the tub, or what have you. I don’t trust a computer program that doesn’t understand context to accurately handle those kinds of photos. Frankly, parents shouldn’t be posting those pics on social media to begin with, but I digress. It sets a bad precedent.
Agreed 100%, a line absolutely should be drawn.
That said, as a parent of 5 kids, I’m more concerned for false positives. I’ve heard enough horror stories about parents getting arrested over completely innocent pics of their kids as toddlers or infants, that may have genitalia showing. Like them at 6 months old doing something silly in the tub, or what have you. I don’t trust a computer program that doesn’t understand context to accurately handle those kinds of photos. Frankly, parents shouldn’t be posting those pics on social media to begin with, but I digress. It sets a bad precedent.
There’s a vast gulf between automated moderation systems deleting posts and calling the cops on someone.