I wasn’t fully convinced before that Putin has Trump in his pocket, but after that stunt, I am convinced that he is under Putin’s thumb. Trump and co. could have had marching orders from Putin to do exactly that. Also, this is something that Putin have done and would do, publicly humiliating someone on live TV.
They are imbecilic strongmen, they think they are all powerful and think doing this in public is proof of their superiority. It only proved the opposite, as we all know. Petulant children have more restraint.
Can we please find a better name than “strong man” for these fucking clowns? They wouldn’t recognize strength, even when it’s sitting right next to them in the oval office.
A child’s idea of a strong man?
It isn’t a compliment. Sorry I made a typo. Strongman is what they are, authoritarians who exert will through military means and believe themselves to be populist. Each are are the opposite of a strong man.
Yeah, I figured it was a typo, but even the term strongman is far too romantized a term, they are just facist fucks and an insult to the word strong.