UPDATE EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/5nM7cBC.png I got unbanned.
Context: I was making fun of a conservative who suggested everyone who supports Ukraine should join the war. In other words, I was making fun of a person who seemingly was the one inciting violence by telling people to go to war.
Post itself: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/ZeY9OMxwXB
That sub is the biggest amalgamation of whiny pussies you can find on Reddit.*
Which is an accomplishment.
The best part is: They laugh at the liberal left for being trigger happy snowflakes that need a safe space because they are too scared of being bullied aka. disagreed with, WHILE CREATING A SAFE SPACE BECAUSE THEY ARE TRIGGER HAPPY SNOWFLAKES WHO BAN ANYONE WHO MIGHT DISAGREE WITH THEM BECAUSE TO THEM THATS LIKE BULLYING.
*Formal apology to anatomical pussies. You don’t deserve to be compared to that
“Nutsacks” is my go-to anatomy to denote weakness.