
“Pretty shitty how baseline human activities like singing, dancing, and making art got turned into skills instead of being seen as behaviors, so now it’s like ‘the point of doing them is to get good at them’ and not ‘this is a thing humans do, the way birds sing and bees make hives.’”

  • @CuddlyCassowary
    1 day ago

    I think these things still exist on the full spectrum of “feels human, so do it!” to “you’re so great, it’s a skill you can use to earn a living.” There are tons of things like this. Cooking, massage, comedy, playing an instrument…nearly any service or entertainment skill. Believe me, ain’t nobody gonna pay to hear me sing (maybe to stop…), but I still sing along at the top of my lungs (when it won’t torture anyone) because it makes me feel happy!

    ETA: This is nothing new. See “bards.”