
People should be allowed to exist

Social programs aren’t communism

The system isn’t working for the people


I’ve changed my mind on this.

Let the DNC go full MAGA and when they lose, because they will lose, they get the heat and we can eject them forever. At least sit them in a corner.

Progressives, you fight if you want but I don’t believe the elections will be fair so it’s a win win for you.

  • @TrickDacy
    010 hours ago

    You couldn’t be more transparent if you tried

      • @TrickDacy
        -12 hours ago

        I appreciate you clearing up your AgEnDa

        • @TankovayaDiviziya
          02 hours ago

          Of course Third Way and neoliberals still think we’re in pre-recession era when appealing to moderates still work in the face of growing wealth inequality. If your way is the only way, why keep losing?

          • @TrickDacy
            02 hours ago

            On its face, your idea falls apart on even the slightest inspection. This thread is full of that and we don’t need to pretend everyone calling you out needs to rehash it

              • @TrickDacy
                01 hour ago

                Scroll up and down. You can find plenty of well worded arguments that dash yours to pieces. I’m not spending more of my mental health on you.

                • @TankovayaDiviziya
                  01 hour ago

                  Right, let me put it another way. If Dem strategy works, why are they losing?

                  “The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” No wonder mental health is affected and keep losing because blue MAGA keep banging their heads to the wall for the past 10 years.

                  Third way had gone its way. It is time to move over.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    1 hour ago

                    Lol did you forget they won big last time? And no I don’t say this to comment on their strategy at all. Just to show your criteria is meaningless and moronic. Now go away