Even groceries you could change what you buy though. Air fried beans costs fuck all. I was going to suggest egg fried rice as that is cheap in the UK but you might struggle with the eggs in the US. Could just fry rice and add some veg though.
You have very strong “avocado toast” vibes fyi. You seem to think that the problem is what we’re eating as if we have enough money to be buying luxury foods in the first place. I’m already eating the cheapest, calorie dense food I can. If I could eat a nutrient paste gruel every day with 100% nutrients that was dirt cheap, I would.
Even groceries you could change what you buy though. Air fried beans costs fuck all. I was going to suggest egg fried rice as that is cheap in the UK but you might struggle with the eggs in the US. Could just fry rice and add some veg though.
You have very strong “avocado toast” vibes fyi. You seem to think that the problem is what we’re eating as if we have enough money to be buying luxury foods in the first place. I’m already eating the cheapest, calorie dense food I can. If I could eat a nutrient paste gruel every day with 100% nutrients that was dirt cheap, I would.
Isn’t avocado toast supposed to be really expensive though? I budget around £15/week each on food.