• @ClinicallydepressedpoochieOP
    6 hours ago

    Ok, but it was an honest question. So, how is that narcissism? Is every question I ask a representation of what I believe?

    • @Seleni
      15 hours ago

      They meant the question showed a viewpoint that seemed to center entirely around you (also a rather libertarian thing, honestly).

      ‘Someone who would never build something for you’ sounds a bit like you’re expecting a tit-for-tat, I-do-this-for-you-so-you-have-to-do-something-for-me in everything, and that’s just not how societies work.

      I’m curious; are you using that phrase to refer to, say, rich assholes who just take and take, or Nazi assholes that would rather cut off their own hands than build something a black person might use? Or are you using it to refer to people like severely disabled folks, or say, low-functioning autistic people, who society supports but who don’t have much capacity to ‘return the favor’?

      Or are you just referring to future generations, who will be around after you’re gone?

      • @ClinicallydepressedpoochieOP
        4 hours ago

        It’s metaphorically, just as building for them is a metaphor. I’m not building anything. Building for me would mean building for people like me. Be it progeny or someone who is lucky enough to be born similar to the way I am and believe similar things.

        And yes, I was referring to MAGA, subtext, but doesn’t have to be MAGA or political at all. It’s a thought experiment.

        (Also note I was stoned. As I do from time to time)