Joan Westenberg mentioned this in her “Trump-proof tech stack” post; anyone have any experience with this? It says it’s open source, self-hostable, and based in France.

Unfortunate Andy Yen comments aside, a big plus is that cozy actually has a Linux desktop client (!), unlike Proton.

    • @InternetCitizen2
      02 days ago

      If the US wants your info they’ll just beat your ass half to death with a rubber hose.

      Your statement here and every follow up suggest you are asking people to not encrypt. I am saying its worth doing regardless as you impose your own compliance on unreasonable searches.

      • Coldmoon
        02 days ago

        You don’t understand what I’m saying at all.

        You need to understand your exposure, and who your adversary is. Is it big corps? Hackers? Oppressive governments? NSAs?

        What I’m saying is if you’re trying to hide stuff from the last two, you shouldn’t have anything encryptable that they can get to. Keeping that information digitally and not clandestinely is not good.

        If you’re trying to not get tracked online by Google that’s an entirely different approach.