Selon un sondage réalisé par l'institut Elabe pour BFMTV et publié ce mardi 4 mars, une majorité de Français ont été "choqués" par l'altercation à la Maison Blanche entre Donald Trump, qu'ils jugent responsable, et Volodymyr Zelensky, dont ils ont une bonne image. 64% craignent également que le...
That’s crazy to me that America has changed so much that a nation they freed from Nazi control cannot consider the USA an ally any more because of the fascist ideology the trump administration is showing to the world. This all happened in like 2 months time. This is just the beginning and I don’t see things getting better at all.
What they are doing to Canada is just straight up absurd but it makes sense if you think of this as a Woke vs Non-woke war not capitalism vs communism or west vs east, Jon nails it as usual:
It’s so weird to me that France has been a military force that has oscillated between a force to be reckoned with and the most powerful land force in the world since the 17th century, but you lose one war to a blitzkrieg with an overconfident military leadership…
Second gulf war, France and Germany not joining in although our soldiers were dying in Afghanistan after the US declared Article 5. US government “that is old Europe, they don’t matter”. US people “we should bomb Germany back into the stone age”. That’s when my generation became anti-US.
That’s crazy to me that America has changed so much that a nation they freed from Nazi control cannot consider the USA an ally any more because of the fascist ideology the trump administration is showing to the world. This all happened in like 2 months time. This is just the beginning and I don’t see things getting better at all.
What they are doing to Canada is just straight up absurd but it makes sense if you think of this as a Woke vs Non-woke war not capitalism vs communism or west vs east, Jon nails it as usual:
Jon Stewart on Trump’s Heel Turn on Zelenskyy In Favor of Putin’s New World Order
It’s so much worse for the US
France was our first ally. After the revolutionary war, France was the first to recognize us as a country.
They were the first NATO nation to join us in the global war on terror after we invoked Article 5.
Make all the “France surrendered” jokes you want but they have given more to us than we have given them, diplomatically speaking.
Trump is just giving every ally we have a huge middle finger that will take decades to overcome. All so that Trump can feel like a big man.
It’s so weird to me that France has been a military force that has oscillated between a force to be reckoned with and the most powerful land force in the world since the 17th century, but you lose one war to a blitzkrieg with an overconfident military leadership…
It’s not just two months.
Second gulf war, France and Germany not joining in although our soldiers were dying in Afghanistan after the US declared Article 5. US government “that is old Europe, they don’t matter”. US people “we should bomb Germany back into the stone age”. That’s when my generation became anti-US.