I assume “Other purposes” is govt kickbacks to mining and gas companies 😬

  • @Jolan
    81 year ago

    I’m surprised so much money is going towards disability, what kind of stuff do they get?

      • @Jolan
        61 year ago

        Yeah that makes sense I guess, I just wasn’t expecting it to be so much. But that’s good that there’s such a good support structure available.

    • Bill Stickers
      41 year ago

      What @hanni said. But they also split out the unemployment payment as the disability support payment. So it’s all the disabled pension too.

    • @crossover
      31 year ago

      My guess is this is mostly support payments for people who are unable to work.

    • @birbboidaseed
      21 year ago

      There is a whole department dedicated to the assessment and allocation of funding for the disabled under 65 y.o. If you’re over 65 then it became the aged pension.

    • @t0lo
      -11 year ago

      Australian support services can be quite broad. I know a lot of people with minor or self diagnosed issues that receive disability payments