But, you’re talking about a country that is only 237 years old. So, yes 100 years ago was a long time ago. And look at all the changes that have occurred since then. This is not the same system as it was 100 years ago.
Because you know it isn’t, and you’re trying to maintain your cope. You have successfully pointed out that you weren’t prepared to back up your statement at all and just wasted everyone’s time. Reply or not, we’re done here.
That you know it wasn’t recent.
It’s pretty recent. 100 years isn’t that long, historically speaking. It seems long to is humans, but it’s really not.
But, you’re talking about a country that is only 237 years old. So, yes 100 years ago was a long time ago. And look at all the changes that have occurred since then. This is not the same system as it was 100 years ago.
That I knew it wasn’t going to be recent enough for you.
Because you know it isn’t, and you’re trying to maintain your cope. You have successfully pointed out that you weren’t prepared to back up your statement at all and just wasted everyone’s time. Reply or not, we’re done here.
Don’t worry in about five minutes this time wasting won’t be recent enough to matter anymore.