I’m not a fan of the US military, but as a supporter of LGBT rights it is important to acknowledge that military service has historically been an effective means of gaining public sympathy for expanded civil rights in the US. (The most obvious examples being African-American service during the Civil War and WW2.) In the context of the militaristic US culture, forbidding people from the military is inherently a clear declaration that they are lesser and unworthy.
I am not a fan of the military either but agreed, the military is a reliable vehicle for upward mobility for many marginalized/disadvantaged groups. If the choice is between living in poverty forever or signing your soul away for 4 years in exchange for a college education you’d never afford otherwise, I can’t fault people for taking the only opportunity they are offered.
I’d rather there be better options for people in these situations, but something is at least better than nothing.
Turns out violence is the answer a lot of the times. Why not do a 4 year training camp at the world’s largest and best funded violence delivery machine ever created and learn a few tips.
I’m not a fan of the US military, but as a supporter of LGBT rights it is important to acknowledge that military service has historically been an effective means of gaining public sympathy for expanded civil rights in the US. (The most obvious examples being African-American service during the Civil War and WW2.) In the context of the militaristic US culture, forbidding people from the military is inherently a clear declaration that they are lesser and unworthy.
I am not a fan of the military either but agreed, the military is a reliable vehicle for upward mobility for many marginalized/disadvantaged groups. If the choice is between living in poverty forever or signing your soul away for 4 years in exchange for a college education you’d never afford otherwise, I can’t fault people for taking the only opportunity they are offered.
I’d rather there be better options for people in these situations, but something is at least better than nothing.
You do realise you’re literally advocating for people to do violence, right?
Turns out violence is the answer a lot of the times. Why not do a 4 year training camp at the world’s largest and best funded violence delivery machine ever created and learn a few tips.
Great idea. Violence is awesome
Depending on your privilege, violence is survival.
Eat the rich!