I got this PC from my dad when he upgraded in like December ish. I’ve been running Kubuntu on it and just using it like a sort of general purpose desktop for me and my wife, but I’ve got a hankering for some tinkering and feel like it has more potential, so I’d love some project ideas!

Original question by @[email protected]

  • hendrik
    419 hours ago

    Why re-post this? I hope bpt11 reads the answers here or it’s kind of a waste of time.

      • hendrik
        319 hours ago

        I kind of dislike it. I mean it’s a good thing if they read it. If not, it just takes 5 minutes out of my day if I come up with a good nuanced answer here, and that’s time I’m not going to spend answering other people’s Linux questions. But it’s alright, you made it completely transparent that this is a re-post. And it’s a good thing to diversify. People often just ask in one big community, or even discuss everything in the super big technology communities even we have dedicated ones for certain specific tech topics.

        • @cm0002OP
          218 hours ago

          Yeah true, but don’t feel discouraged if OOP never reads it in similar situations, a good answer is a good answer somebody will read and appreciate it, especially for this common-ish “What can I do with X old hardware?” type questions lol

          I can’t tell you how many times I myself was able to glean some insight from ancient forum threads where I was never the OP lmao

          • hendrik
            118 hours ago

            Fair enough. I’m a bit unsure whether that happens on Lemmy. My old posts and comments rarely get any votes, interactions or corrections after say two weeks. These people must either be completely passive, or no one reads it after that. With a few minor exceptions. But you’re right. This has happened to me, too. So you have a point here.