Join GCAP (Global Combat Air Program) or FCAS (Future Coma=bat Air System). They are both multi-country projects to develop next gen fighter jets. Off the top of my head, GCAP is UK, Japan and Italy where FCAS is Germany, France, and… I’d have to look it up, and I’m feeling a bit lazy.
Assuming there is no schedule slippage, they won’t deliver aircraft until 2035 and 2040 respectively though, so we would still need a stop gap. I’m partial to Gripen, and Sweden has flirted with joing GCAP as well, so that might be a good way to reivigorate Canadian aerospace, in cooperation with the other GCAP countries and Sweden.
From what I understand, those are fine if you’re going up against enemies that don’t have stealth (and all the ancillary technologies that go with it).
The general military analysis is that the F-35 and J-35 are superior to anything else in the air and are similar in capabilities to each other. Conflicts between them will come down to who can make more of them faster. Conflicts between one of them and an older generation fighter seems to be, they’ll blow you up before you can see them.
EU better get cracking and start making stealth planes.
They’re being researched. It looks like there is a lot of funding pledged to the program.
If those funds get cleared, they will be part of a 10 year research phase.
That means that by 2035, they’ll be ready to start thinking about how to start building prototypes. There were predictions of earlier prototypes but they seemed to have gotten pushed back.
So the Tempest and FCAS could come eventually. Canada may need some planes before that.
What would they do instead? Get a bunch of J-35s, like Egypt?
Dassault makes jets…
I’m confused.
That’s not a poem.
I was assured that Sprog bestows awesome poems upon the masses.
I don’t think I can anymore.
I don’t blame you, man. We live in unhappy times, it’s no place for happy rhymes.
That’s sad but I understand.
You brought joy to a lot of people but it must have been a ton of work.
J35 or the new Turkish planes. Or develop their own plane.
Fighter planes are very expensive to develop.
The F-35 program cost something around $1.7 trillion.
That’s several times the annual GDP of Canada.That’s more than half of Canada’s annual GDP.A better bet would be to enter some joint development program with partners in the EU.
That is not several times Canada’s GDP. Maybe you meant many many times Canada’s annual military expenditure.
Regardless 1.7 trillion Is a lot of money
Join GCAP (Global Combat Air Program) or FCAS (Future Coma=bat Air System). They are both multi-country projects to develop next gen fighter jets. Off the top of my head, GCAP is UK, Japan and Italy where FCAS is Germany, France, and… I’d have to look it up, and I’m feeling a bit lazy.
Assuming there is no schedule slippage, they won’t deliver aircraft until 2035 and 2040 respectively though, so we would still need a stop gap. I’m partial to Gripen, and Sweden has flirted with joing GCAP as well, so that might be a good way to reivigorate Canadian aerospace, in cooperation with the other GCAP countries and Sweden.
Sorry. That was an error on my part. I’ll correct it.
Typhoon/EF2000/Rafale. Not stealthy, but still a superb multi role aircraft.
(Yes, I know Rafale is technically not the same aircraft, but it sprang from the same initial plans, so it’s pretty close)
#buyeuropean, I guess
From what I understand, those are fine if you’re going up against enemies that don’t have stealth (and all the ancillary technologies that go with it).
The general military analysis is that the F-35 and J-35 are superior to anything else in the air and are similar in capabilities to each other. Conflicts between them will come down to who can make more of them faster. Conflicts between one of them and an older generation fighter seems to be, they’ll blow you up before you can see them.
EU better get cracking and start making stealth planes.
That’s assuming stealth stays effective much longer.
Stealth planes can already be detected, it’s a matter of doing it fast enough and small enough to work in a missile.
Stealth is part of it. The those two systems are the most advanced in the world on many factors.
It’s unlikely that anyone will develop a superior system any time in the next decade or so.
Tempest and FCAS are supposed to be coming.
They’re being researched. It looks like there is a lot of funding pledged to the program. If those funds get cleared, they will be part of a 10 year research phase. That means that by 2035, they’ll be ready to start thinking about how to start building prototypes. There were predictions of earlier prototypes but they seemed to have gotten pushed back.
So the Tempest and FCAS could come eventually. Canada may need some planes before that.
Probably be some laid off government contractors soon with stealth expertise.
Already leaked the info to Russia.