For the sake of others, sure, but also for yourself. You deserve a quality life too.
As someone who also grew up in a similar situation, and raised myself, it’s taken me a lot longer than I would have liked to learn that not everyone in my life deserves my full efforts and attention. As you said, a broken foundation leaves many holes to fill in, and each one is its own potential minefield.
Thanks. Setting my life towards filling the gaps he left behind for the sake of others.
Best wishes.
For the sake of others, sure, but also for yourself. You deserve a quality life too.
As someone who also grew up in a similar situation, and raised myself, it’s taken me a lot longer than I would have liked to learn that not everyone in my life deserves my full efforts and attention. As you said, a broken foundation leaves many holes to fill in, and each one is its own potential minefield.
Be well
Thank you. I really needed to read that today.