I admire the F out of the French. They’ll call a spade a spade and take to the streets at the drop of a hat.
Meanwhile, we keyboard warriors in the US all sit behind a screen saying “we should DO something!1!” while our government gets dismantled by growing fascism and oligarchy.
Not to praise us too much, but a fundamental problem is the US’s addiction to algorithms and toxic public online spaces. The activism we have hardly matters if it doesn’t pop up in people’s feeds and apps.
The Federation is a potential way out. It’s a good thing to participate in.
Part of this problem is that populations are by definition in urban / city areas. Where you can riot / protest / whatever. But the people mainly supporting this shit are in rural areas. So you can burn down all the stuff you want in the city, and the media will just label it as crazy stupid liberals. And then say the government does nothing, need more police, antifa etc etc. so in some sense protesting almost helps to enable these people.
Absolutely. France is a big joke to many ignorant, insulated, isolated Americans. But every time I see something they actually do or say? Based as hell.
I admire the F out of the French. They’ll call a spade a spade and take to the streets at the drop of a hat.
Meanwhile, we keyboard warriors in the US all sit behind a screen saying “we should DO something!1!” while our government gets dismantled by growing fascism and oligarchy.
Not to praise us too much, but a fundamental problem is the US’s addiction to algorithms and toxic public online spaces. The activism we have hardly matters if it doesn’t pop up in people’s feeds and apps.
The Federation is a potential way out. It’s a good thing to participate in.
Part of this problem is that populations are by definition in urban / city areas. Where you can riot / protest / whatever. But the people mainly supporting this shit are in rural areas. So you can burn down all the stuff you want in the city, and the media will just label it as crazy stupid liberals. And then say the government does nothing, need more police, antifa etc etc. so in some sense protesting almost helps to enable these people.
Absolutely. France is a big joke to many ignorant, insulated, isolated Americans. But every time I see something they actually do or say? Based as hell.