For those who find this inspirational rather than simply amusing, I recommend making the sign double sided. No sense in advertising to the world that you have a bat until you need to do so.
Disagree, bring your friends with bats. More bats advertised the better. Cops are pussys they wont fuck with large groups of prepared and armed unless absolutely ordered to.
you guys act like there is only one way to do this shit. personally I find protests generally useless and I dont go to them to start shit, I find violence useful when employed well and directed. but I would never personally start shit at a protest. protests are for cover while groups work elsewhere.
And what gives you the impression that they won’t be ordered to? With the current political climate being what it is, they will likely have those orders before the protest even starts.
Well, that’s why you also have a rag soaked in vinegar ( tear gas), the back of your sign covered in several layers of aluminum (sonic weapons) and your baseball bat (‘counter-protestors’)
Nothing, that’s what the ‘bats’ are for: to use. honestly if you’re protesting you expect this outcome silly. start getting comfortable with violence people we’re going to need it.
yes. thats pretty standard fair, the photo’d guy is not following safe protesting. the bat in the photo was probably just a stick of opportunity for his sign.
For those who find this inspirational rather than simply amusing, I recommend making the sign double sided. No sense in advertising to the world that you have a bat until you need to do so.
Disagree, bring your friends with bats. More bats advertised the better. Cops are pussys they wont fuck with large groups of prepared and armed unless absolutely ordered to.
Have you ever been hit with hot tear gas canisters, rubber bullets, or sonic artillery?
Ya say that until they start bombing crowds ala MOVE ‘85
you guys act like there is only one way to do this shit. personally I find protests generally useless and I dont go to them to start shit, I find violence useful when employed well and directed. but I would never personally start shit at a protest. protests are for cover while groups work elsewhere.
And what gives you the impression that they won’t be ordered to? With the current political climate being what it is, they will likely have those orders before the protest even starts.
Well, that’s why you also have a rag soaked in vinegar ( tear gas), the back of your sign covered in several layers of aluminum (sonic weapons) and your baseball bat (‘counter-protestors’)
Nothing, that’s what the ‘bats’ are for: to use. honestly if you’re protesting you expect this outcome silly. start getting comfortable with violence people we’re going to need it.
But they will absolutely record everyone’s faces and raid them at night in retaliation for daring to protest armed.
Black bloc and mask up, don’t bring your phones.
yes. thats pretty standard fair, the photo’d guy is not following safe protesting. the bat in the photo was probably just a stick of opportunity for his sign.