• @Rhoeri
    3 days ago

    News flash bud: Everyone is in opposition to genocide.

    Regardless of whatever bullshit accusation you hurl at people. Refusing to vote because you manufactured enough outrage to believe your own bullshit is absolutely defined as single-issue voting. You know this shit was going to happen- and you knew it was going to be exponentially worse under Trump- but you stood aside anyway.

    Take your bow.

    And what? I get that you’re fishing for reasons to report people for as that is what you do, but anyone can see that there is nothing at all even close to resembling “holocaust denial” about anything I said, so you can go ahead and put that little straw man away- it’s not going to work on me.

    • @surph_ninja
      13 days ago

      No, people who send billions in weapons to support genocide do not oppose genocide.

      • @Rhoeri
        -13 days ago

        Oh they do. But it’s apparently far too complicated for you to understand and sadly, I lost my patience to explain it to you people back in November.

        Be wrong.

        • @surph_ninja
          03 days ago

          I am 100% sure you are on the wrong side of history.

          • @Rhoeri
            3 days ago

            …. Says the person that is somehow able to rationalize that doing nothing at all can bring the change you demand from others.

            Because as we all know: History is RIFE with examples of people not doing jack-shit while reaping the benefits of their inaction.