WASHINGTON - Impeach Trump Again, a nonpartisan campaign led by Free Speech For People, announced today that they have collected over 250,000 petition signatures in support of an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump. The announcement comes on the heels of Rep. Al Green’s recent House floor speech that he would bring articles of impeachment against the president.
“The Constitution has a remedy for a corrupt, lawless president: impeachment,” says John Bonifaz, President of Free Speech For People. “Donald Trump has already committed multiple abuses of power since assuming the Oval Office again, and he must be held accountable. More than 250,000 people across the country have now joined this call for impeachment proceedings against Trump. We urge all Americans who still believe in the Constitution and our democracy to join us at this critical moment in our nation’s history. And, we urge Members of Congress to follow the mandate of their oath of office, stand with Congressman Al Green, and invoke the power of the Impeachment Clause to address the direct and serious threat Donald Trump poses to our Republic.”
I think the line is doing anything outside the clearly-nonfunctional system to stop the MAGA cult. All they’re doing is complaining and wasting time, Republicans will dox and threaten with violence. The people that were elected to fight this are almost literally bringing pens and paper to a gunfight.
It’s honestly pathetic to watch a curbstomping being responded to with, “well im gonna write such a scathing letter about this.” The Democrats are absolute trash and need to be shamed for being such cowards about this.
So… They should bring guns to congress?
They should stop doing the things they’ve been trying and failing at for ten years. 2024 was the end of the old ways, IMO; the Democrats lost so badly and so definitely that there’s no point in pretending there’s any going back.
Nice dodge.
What SHOULD the Democrats do?
So, first off: calling out someone for repeatedly doing the same thing that isn’t solving the problem doesn’t require having a better answer. If I was trying to solve global warming by duct-taping cats together, you could point out that it isn’t working without solving global warming yourself.
I think we all know they won’t do any of these things on their own, they need to be shamed into it. Without their supporters turning on them, the Democrats will continue doing nothing because it’s what their donors want.
Fuck that shit. Tankie bastards are always criticizing Democrats but offering no alternatives. We should be demanding solutions purely as a shibboleth to weed out propagandists and their useful idiots.
Can you elaborate? This is pretty vague.
There is zero reason to follow the formal rules of order in Congress anymore. They should start with refusing to yield time and go as far as simply not acknowledging the Republicans as valid members of the various subcommittees.
A whole lot of the congressional rules are completely made up traditions. Ignoring them has always been an option. Canings on the house floor are also an option.
Dems have been taking the high road and losing for over a decade. They need to get dirty.
None of that will help materially or capture the attention of the tiktok generation. Protests, shouting and cursing in the chamber could work though.
I agree with you, but that doesn’t mean impeachment isn’t something that should be done as well