• @carl_dungeon
    91 year ago

    With every new article that gets dropped I struggle not to feel too hopeful, because time after time before nothing comes of it in the end. Fingers crossed this time is different.

    • @flossdaily
      111 year ago

      The DEFINING feature of our government is that powerful people do not ever face legal consequences.

      This has been true for my whole life:

      Nixon was pardoned.

      Reagan was caught red handed regarding Iran Contra.

      Bill Clinton took advantage of a young intern, and SHE became national laughingstock.

      George W. Bush LIED US INTO A WAR THAT KILLED A QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE and destroyed our economy. AND he authorized TORTURE. And he faced zero consequences.

      Wall Street crashed the economy through widespread FRAUD and not a single person was even indicted.

      The Panama Papers exposed global financial fraud of the rich and powerful. NOTHING came off it.

      Jeffrey Epstein was discovered to be at the center of pedophile ring implicating a laundry list of rich and powerful people including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. He was almost certainly murdered in a prison cell, and nothing every happened to anyone in his little black book.

      … Now finally we get to Trump, who likely conspired with Russia to interfere in thr 2016 election. We don’t KNOW if course, because he obstructed the investigation, to the point of firing the FBI director EXPRESSLY to stop the Russia investigation. He was never even INDICTED for this, the most egregious case of Obstruction of Justice in history!

      Then he tried to overthrow the government by inciting and refusing to stop an insurrection. He STILL hasn’t been charged for this.

      It’s madness.

      • @knaak
        51 year ago

        It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Whatever happened to the contents of Epsteins safe?

    • @cultsuperstar
      1 year ago

      Yeah, nothing is going to happen to him. And I’m surprised we even allow a person who has been impeached to run for office again. Impeachment shiukd come with a ban on running ever again.

      But with him making comments about how it would be dangerous to jail him (basically saying his followers are going to violently riot and with so many stating in their Telegram channels that they’re ready to kill every liberal, I’m not surprised he’s not so subtlely trying to incite them further) and MGT and other Republicans wanting to basically erase his impeachments, this country is just continuing to head down the wrong path.

      I’m really surprised so many Republican supporters are okay with any of this. They talk about freedoms but ignore rights taken away for certain groups because it’s not their freedoms being taken away. This just enforces that they don’t care about other groups, only their own.

    • @elbowdrop
      31 year ago

      I’m right there with you. Consecutive Christian Criminals just seem untouchable. I wonder why there should be a separation of church and state. Oh that’s right because sociopaths will use it to rise to power.