Elon Musk is the only billionaire who could launch the most powerful rocket in history, watch it detonate like a Fourth of July grand finale, and still have the audacity to call it a success.
The people who just lost an unmanned moon lander and hundreds of millions in other equipment said it was a success, too. It’s usual corporate speak. At least they made it to the moon, though. One irritating thing about fucking Elron is that every time they fuck up a Starship launch, there goes $1 billion in tax payer dollars - while this dipshit is getting Park Rangers fired for ‘efficiency’ and cutting aid to the poorest people in the world.
The people who just lost an unmanned moon lander and hundreds of millions in other equipment said it was a success, too. It’s usual corporate speak. At least they made it to the moon, though. One irritating thing about fucking Elron is that every time they fuck up a Starship launch, there goes $1 billion in tax payer dollars - while this dipshit is getting Park Rangers fired for ‘efficiency’ and cutting aid to the poorest people in the world.