The context of the Soviets “curbstomping” them is that they’d lost two million soldiers during the invasion of China and then half of the survivors got sent to try and stop the American and Allied island hopping campaign which obliterated their navy.
I mean, it’s kind of funny as a reversal of Americans pretending they beat Germany by themselves but Japan had literally already lost the war. They in fact had a non-aggression pact with Stalin signed in 1941 that they honored because they were already spread too thin to fight them even in the middle of Operation Barbarossa.
Fun Pacific Campaign Fact: no one talks about it over the German Wolf packs but the Allied fleets did literally the exact same thing to Japanese shipping from their bases in the colonial holdings. They literally couldn’t move their armies between the Home Islands and the mainland in 1945.
Yup, the Kwantung Army was not at its peak in 1945.
However that doesn’t make the invasion unimpressive in my view as for example, the Soviets got an entire tank army across a mountain range using nothing but winches and cables. The Soviets advanced across an area the size of Western Europe in mere days.
Yeah by August 1945, Japan’s navy was sunk and America had air supremacy over Japan. Japan was more or less defeated, Operation August Storm not occurring would not have changed that.
The context of the Soviets “curbstomping” them is that they’d lost two million soldiers during the invasion of China and then half of the survivors got sent to try and stop the American and Allied island hopping campaign which obliterated their navy.
I mean, it’s kind of funny as a reversal of Americans pretending they beat Germany by themselves but Japan had literally already lost the war. They in fact had a non-aggression pact with Stalin signed in 1941 that they honored because they were already spread too thin to fight them even in the middle of Operation Barbarossa.
Fun Pacific Campaign Fact: no one talks about it over the German Wolf packs but the Allied fleets did literally the exact same thing to Japanese shipping from their bases in the colonial holdings. They literally couldn’t move their armies between the Home Islands and the mainland in 1945.
Yup, the Kwantung Army was not at its peak in 1945.
However that doesn’t make the invasion unimpressive in my view as for example, the Soviets got an entire tank army across a mountain range using nothing but winches and cables. The Soviets advanced across an area the size of Western Europe in mere days.
Yeah by August 1945, Japan’s navy was sunk and America had air supremacy over Japan. Japan was more or less defeated, Operation August Storm not occurring would not have changed that.