I was thinking of getting something I wear 24/7 for monitoring my heart rate etc. and since I have a samsung phone the default choice was a samsung smartwatch. The other alternatives I found recommended were American (garmin, fitbit, apple…) but are there any European alternatives? I kinda expected europe to lead with this kind of health related things tbo.

    • @[email protected]
      624 hours ago

      it’s french

      That used to be a warning. Now that I’ve seen how incredibly based they are it’s an endearement.

      (I still think you should just start saying huitante and nonante)

    • @MiraiShikimiOP
      31 day ago

      Withings looks insane, and it has good reviews, at least the ones that I saw.

      But I feel like something like that will look out of place on me, for my style, but that is a me issue.

      I think I might get one later after I get a but more fit 😅

      • @starlinguk
        31 day ago

        They come in different styles. Classical but also a bit more butch.