Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent Republican congresswoman and a staunch ally of Trump, suggested a return to “measles parties” for children. She criticized contemporary attitudes towards vaccination, stating, “Now, they demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids.”

  • @leadore
    1 day ago

    I was a kid when they were first developing the vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella (we called it German measles). So my brothers and I all got every one of them. I remember being sick with them, and with one of the measles types (don’t remember which) I was so sick I though I was gonna die. I’ll never forget lying there, even thinking of certain things made me puke (or dry heave) so I had to concentrate on not thinking of anything. I remember puking so hard it came out my nose. One of my brothers was so sick, his fever was so high, they took him to the hospital.

    Do parents really want to put their children through this instead of a shot? WTF

    • @[email protected]
      117 minutes ago

      I assume it’s more about the parents high-fiving each other over really sticking it to the man or something. It’s just one of the results of rampant anti-intellectualism. The kids are just a random collateral in that circlejerk of those brake pads of evolution.

    • @[email protected]
      79 hours ago

      Long before there was a vaccine, I developed meningitis from a measles infection. Luckily my parents weren’t idiots and took me to the hospital. I ran a high fever, had febrile convulsions and hallucinated. Afterwards, I was over-sensitive to light for at least a week. Anyone who would inflict that on a kid belongs in prison or worse.