Even if it landed correctly, why would they plan a solar powered mission to the moon when our next lunar eclipse is in like 5 days?

  • @over_cloxOP
    15 hours ago

    We have uranium in our tap water here. As long as it remains less that 43 parts per million, they consider it ‘safe’. With hundreds of millions of dollars to throw around, it can’t be all that difficult to filter enough uranium out for the energy for a two week mission.

    And it was a private spacecraft, not made by NASA (although it carried some of their sensors and equipment).

    • @Maalus
      1315 hours ago

      You don’t know how nuclear power works.

      • @over_cloxOP
        09 hours ago

        Not directly, no. But my late father was a nuclear reactor cooling technician, I did learn quite a bit more than the average person.