Our boy turned two and during the last weeks he has trouble falling asleep. He always went to sleep at 9 which was already late. But now he just doesn’t fall asleep sometimes until 11.

Even when we try to bring him to bed at 8 it takes also two to three hours for him to fall asleep.

He only let’s his mom bring him to bed and then she stays there with him until he falls asleep. Sometimes he asks for me additionally to join and then he rolls in the bed kicks us, climbed on us and so on because he can’t fall asleep.

More often than not we fall asleep first and only then he falls asleep. He doesnd go out of the bed or anything just can’t fall asleep.

Any tips what worked for your children?

  • Psaldorn
    823 hours ago

    Dark, quiet and comfy temperature.

    If you can dim lights start to do that half an hour before. Read a story in the growing darkness, gives time for those sleep hormones to take effect.

    Have a routine so they know that dim lights = bed time, that will take time to develop though.

    Good luck!

    • JeenaOP
      315 hours ago

      It’s very dark in the room, but I will try the thing with dimming the lights before.