• @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous. These high school graduates from Florida didn’t choose to live in Florida. They didn’t choose to be educated this way. So not letting them into universities is discrimination and will only make things worse. If they were let into universities, they could see how Florida taught them wrongly.

    • @Skyrmir
      52 years ago

      Their parents chose to live there, chose to give their kids poor education, and chose to elect people to do exactly what DeSantis is doing. And they’ve been making that choice for decades now. They can damn well live with the consequences.

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        The parents aren’t the kids, and it’s wrong to punish the kids for their parents actions. I am from Florida. I grew up there. I used college to get out. I’m trans and I’d probably be dead if I hadn’t left. Even when I was in school there was “lost cause” Daughters of the Confederacy bullshit snuck in the curriculum. Just because they try to brainwash the kids doesn’t mean they succeed. And I doubt they will, the internet makes that very difficult. And just because it’s in the curriculum doesn’t mean teachers won’t push back - most of them will. The kids who want out of Florida will be a self selected group who probably already got a better history education through Wikipedia than was offered in school and know that what they were taught was either incomplete or bullshit. This is why general education requirements in college exist - they address what the student may have missed in high school for one reason or another.

        • @Skyrmir
          22 years ago

          Great, you got out, and now there’s one less voter in Florida trying to stop the stupid shit. I guess the gop plan to chase left wingers out of their states is working.

          I can’t slap stupid parents upside the head any more. Apparently it’s illegal or some shit. So the best I can do is loudly laugh when they’re victimized by their own fucked up choices.

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        Not all parents really choose to live in a place like Florida. Sometimes they have to go where the jobs are. Maybe they can’t afford a place like California. And remember there are more people in Florida who voted for Biden than in Massachusetts.

        • @nightscout
          22 years ago

          And sometimes they are living there and simply cannot afford to relocate. Relocating is very expensive in the U.S., especially if you want to relocate to an area that has better education.

      • @dragonflyteaparty
        32 years ago

        That’s some nonsense. Not everyone can up and move so easily. Don’t punish people for the acts of jackasses like DeSantis.

        • @Skyrmir
          32 years ago

          Guess what happens if no one ever gets upset about their politicians doing stupid shit. It never changes.

          Consequences tend to piss people off, hopefully enough to stop voting for fascists.