Supporters of Calin Georgescu threw stones and bottles at riot police in Bucharest after the Central Election Bureau voted to bar the right-wing, pro-Russian candidate from competing in upcoming presidential polls.

The Central Election Bureau voted 10-4 to bar Georgescu, saying his candidacy did not meet the legal requirements and that he had “violated the very obligation to defend democracy”.

Georgescu condemned the decision as a “direct blow to the heart of democracy worldwide”. He now has 24 hours from Sunday’s ruling to file an official appeal with Romania’s Constitutional Court, which is expected to issue a decision on Wednesday at the latest.

  • @PointyReality
    321 hours ago

    I would agree with you if it was not the fact that the right are very intolerant and hateful people meaning more people would suffer. This is not like politics from 20 years ago where it was a minor policy difference separating the parties, the right are actively working to remove rights from people.

    • @[email protected]
      -421 hours ago

      So, essentially, you don’t want democracy anymore because results are way too different from what you expect. Precisely what I was talking about.

      • @PointyReality
        720 hours ago

        If you think the right are going to usher in a golden age of democracy then I don’t think you have been paying attention to what has been happening or what they have been saying.

        • @[email protected]
          20 hours ago

          By the time right gets to power democratic institutions will be demolished by neoliberals already. Neoliberals are destroying them because it allows them to rule for a couple more years, amass even more wealth and weather the incoming catastrophe, not because of concern for your wellbeing.

          • @PointyReality
            420 hours ago

            Liberals are by far the lesser of the two evils. Once again I would urge you to pay attention to what the right say and do. They talk of freedoms while stripping it away from others. You speak of liberals enriching themselves when as an example in the US Trump has reduced the taxes on the wealthy while the cost of living is increasing thats looks like the wealthy being given quite the enriching opportunity . Here in Australia our right leaning politician Peter Dutton has amassed a fortune through his political career and is quite friendly with mining the magnates. So please do tell me how the right still enrich but also take away the rights of woman to access to abortions, people wanting to transition and pose a general threat to who they perceive as immigrants even if they are legal in most countries is the better of the two.

            • @[email protected]
              17 hours ago

              Liberals are by far the lesser of the two evils.

              No. Economic violence is violence too.

              How long can this go on? When will they stop? If it’s up to liberals then never and at the end of that graph there’s monarchy. People want out but you won’t let them.

              • @PointyReality
                10 hours ago

                I think you are just trying to make an argument without absorbing what I am saying, I am not saying Liberals policies are always great for the economy either. The wealth inequality is going to get worse and the only way to correct this is to tax the top more.

                But show me in conservative history where they have attempted to correct this same issue? Their policies are just as bad if not worse in case of Trump with his tarrifs kicking of a trade war and that cost is going to be passed onto the consumer which is excellerating what your concern is. The only reason the inequality is maybe not as bad in countries like my own that have strong worker laws that allow/force better wages/salaries. But make no mistake if we or other countries like ours still do not increase the tax on the wealthy then that gap will increase as well.

                This all sounds like you are just spewing debates points without truly understanding any of it, try and do some research please before you try again.

                Edit: Added a point to further clarify my view.

              • Skua
                213 hours ago

                Do you think that the far right would conduct less economic violence?

                • @[email protected]
                  13 hours ago

                  It’s a tossup if they go for free market Mad Max or if they start doing handouts to the elderly in exchange for votes. With liberals the first one is guaranteed. Ultimately it’s up to the voters to choose and not internet commentators like us. That right was denied to them.

                  • Skua
                    213 hours ago

                    I think that America is currently doing a fine job of demonstrating how there are ways to do economic violence faster than neoliberalism

                    For the people to choose, there has to be some measure of a level playing field and informed undestanding of the options. The influence campaign in support of Georgescu violated those principles