From Izzy Edwards
I was absolutely shocked to see not just two, but five fully grown Barn Owls emerge from this tiny hole in the dirt. I have no idea how they all fit comfortably in there! Image taken well after sunset.
From Izzy Edwards
I was absolutely shocked to see not just two, but five fully grown Barn Owls emerge from this tiny hole in the dirt. I have no idea how they all fit comfortably in there! Image taken well after sunset.
For me, it’s mostly just life happening. Getting sick, working a lot, both at the same time. Plus I tend to sort by subscribed > new, and sometimes I miss stuff. Especially lately cause there are a lot more posts. I’ve been trying to come directly here to see what new stuff you’ve posted.
And sometimes I just fall down a rabbit hole. Lately, music theory. But I know what it’s like to put effort into something and not get feedback, and it’s just nice here, so I try to comment more than I would other places.