In a now-deleted post on Telegram, a hacking group called Dark Storm Team claimed responsibility for the attack.

Do you think it really was a group in Ukraine, or do you reckon that’s bullshit?

  • TooManyFoods
    424 hours ago

    I think it’s the “than that” is a little more complex of a construction that can be read over, and possibly missed. The sentence can be read with either of those missing, but if the “than” is missed it completely changes the meaning.

    • @Buffalox
      023 hours ago

      But if you actually read the VERY short comment, it shouldn’t be ambiguous.
      Sad that people are so quick to downvote, without even reading a comment that is only 1 line!!

      • Doesn’t matter how short or long it is. People intentionally write simple short sentences all the time with extra words that like 90% misread. The easiest of of these sentences to make are those that happen to have a word repeat after a linewrap, especially short common words. Than and that are close enough to fit into that same overlook.