I’d just like to point out that this picture is particularly impressive.

You are not supposed to touch the Crown Prince in any circumstances.

Seeing him embrace Zelensky speaks volumes.

  • fxomt
    3422 hours ago

    MBS is a butcher, he should be shunned. This is a necessary evil, but is still disappointing.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      417 hours ago

      The region is full of butchers. MBS just happens to be a close ally to the neoconservative CIA/State Department old guard. Of course he’s going to be a touchpoint for a proxy war with their age old geopolitical enemy. Its the same reason Putin has reached out to Iran and North Korea.

    • @[email protected]
      1021 hours ago

      Idealism has little place in foreign relations once you have to deal with the real world. We have to ally ourselves with people we find distasteful because our nations need to be tied for various reasons. It is childish to think your personal feelings about a national leader should impact your nation’s diplomatic relations.

      • fxomt
        1521 hours ago

        As i said, this is a necessary evil. That does not change reality. MBS is a brutal dictator with an iron fist over the whole middle east, and he is a murderer. I think all countries should be moving away from saudi arabia, not closer to it.

        • @[email protected]
          -1020 hours ago

          “That does not change reality. MBS is a brutal dictator with an iron fist over the whole middle east.”

          That is not true. He is the Prime Minister of KSA. He is the presumptive leader but is not on paper the reigning monarch. KSA does not have an iron fist over other Middle Eastern nations as some have little to do with KSA and others are too powerful themselves to kowtow to KSA such as Egypt or Israel.

          “I think all countries should be moving away from saudi arabia, not closer to it.”

          And I have already mentioned why this is unrealistic and childish. When you have to face these situations IRL you don’t have the option to avoid dealing with people you find distasteful.