@[email protected] What does the word propaganda, mean to you? Information that you don’t agree with?
Calling US lawmakers Russian propagandists is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard! Comments like this won’t get you taken seriously. Just saying …
If you would rather not read the article, that’s your problem. Anyone with a bit of grey matter knows that all the Ukrainian information space is propaganda and funded by NATO.
Merriam-Webster reads that the definition of propaganda is ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.
Russia “attempting to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia” seems like it fits the textbook definition of propaganda to me. Not sure if you know how to use a dictionary, though - seems like it might be out of your wheelhouse.
It’s typical of the Ukrainian propagandists, smear the messenger and not answer relevant questions posed. I don’t understand why thinking people accept their behaviour and question why they try to shout down anything intelligent regarding their precious Ukraine.
@[email protected] What does the word propaganda, mean to you? Information that you don’t agree with? Calling US lawmakers Russian propagandists is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard! Comments like this won’t get you taken seriously. Just saying …
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@[email protected]
If you would rather not read the article, that’s your problem. Anyone with a bit of grey matter knows that all the Ukrainian information space is propaganda and funded by NATO.
You didn’t answer the question, I am not sure how is your reply relevant at all tbh
Merriam-Webster reads that the definition of propaganda is ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.
Russia “attempting to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia” seems like it fits the textbook definition of propaganda to me. Not sure if you know how to use a dictionary, though - seems like it might be out of your wheelhouse.
@[email protected]
I asked what it means to the individual, not a dictionary definition But that’s OK, it proves my point.
@[email protected]
It’s typical of the Ukrainian propagandists, smear the messenger and not answer relevant questions posed. I don’t understand why thinking people accept their behaviour and question why they try to shout down anything intelligent regarding their precious Ukraine.
Oh believe me, I am familiar with that, more so than anybody else :(
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