• @shalafi
      18 hours ago

      Y’all. CEO pay ain’t the fucking problem.

      McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski made $19,200,000 in compensation last year. (That includes bonuses and stock.)

      Divide that out among McDonald’s 200,000 employees, ya got a whopping $96 per year raise. Or, a $.05 hourly raise.

      Just imagine the fucking outrage if Kempczinski came out and said, “I’m taking $0 pay this year and giving it back to the workers that make it happen! You all get a nickel raise!” LOL, y’all would shit live kittens.

      I get it. People see this fucker dragging in more money, in a single year, than they’ll make in their whole life and say, “I want a piece of that!” Again, your piece as a McDonalds employee isn’t 100 bucks a year. You’re not seeing the scale here. McDonalds brought in $30,000,000,000 in revenue last year. CEO pay is .064% of that. (Somebody check my math. Worked my ass off today. Great day! But I’m tired boss.)

      I can do this all day long with publicly available numbers. Save your ire for the real problems with capitalism. Screaming about CEO pay is ignorant at best, childish at worst.

      • @AeonFelis
        15 hours ago

        Now might be a good time to clarify that the problem with CEO pay is not the direct cost of the compensation itself. The problem is the perverse incentive structure of market manipulation and tax engineering where the CEO can increase their bonus by destroying value. This is a negative sum game - what the employees and customers lose is many times greater than what the C-Suite and shareholders gain.

      • @[email protected]
        410 hours ago

        Maybe not THE problem but sure as hell part of the problem. Don’t forget, salary is only 1/3 of their offer. They get more……and more. Sounds like more can be the reinvestment to employees salary. Horizontal business, not vertical.

      • @Duamerthrax
        3018 hours ago

        Soooo, we shouldn’t stop at just the CEO, but all the C-suits and investors then. Got it.

      • @YarHarSuperstar
        1918 hours ago

        Okay, I’m confused. I think your point is that CEO compensation isn’t enough to make a significant difference in pay, but you seem to be completely ignoring the fact that there is no way that dude works hundreds+ times harder than the person in the picture, and that the culture that allows that to happen is not healthy. As far as I can tell, no one is going around saying “the only thing that needs to change is how much we pay CEOs.”

        • Lemminary
          17 hours ago

          He’s getting paid like his ideas are revolutionary when in reality it’s clever at best and sitting on the inertia of the corporation. Like, I get the dude has brains but that paycheck is not proportional. And this goes for every CEO out there.

          And before I get the “CEOs are there to take the fall” I say when was the last time a CEO has really taken a fall? I see them get hired again elsewhere after fucking up bad. The only one I remember was that Pharma company’s false promises but because the CEO was a psycho. Otherwise they look like pedo priests being shuttled between congregations when their diddling gets found out without consequences.

      • @[email protected]
        1018 hours ago

        Leaving aside, for the moment, that side benefits make the total much higher, that you think it’s about just the CEO proves both that you don’t understand the conversation and inherently accept the lie that they’re worth that much pay in the first place.

      • @[email protected]
        718 hours ago

        An extra $8/month could make a big difference in some folks’ lives, judging by the number of folks in my social circles that need a bit of help to make ends meet at the end of the month.

        • @YarHarSuperstar
          417 hours ago

          Just for some perspective, if you bought 2 gallons of water and 3 pounds of rice or beans a month with that $8 (rough estimate based on local prices) after a year you’d have a stockpile of 24 gallons of water and 36 pounds of food, which could possibly be a weeks worth for many families. A week of rations set aside for disaster prep could mean survival in an emergency.