My investment horizon is measured in decades, so short-term fluctuations like this don’t affect my strategy at all. If prices of U.S. companies are going down, it just means I can buy more of them for the same amount of money. Reacting to market movements by selling or shifting investments is exactly how people lose money. The investors who remain calm and hold steady through volatility typically come out ahead in the long run.
I’m feeling pretty smug lately having always avoided the stock market so my money has been the same this whole time
Maybe should convert some of those dollars to Euros tho just in case
My investment horizon is measured in decades, so short-term fluctuations like this don’t affect my strategy at all. If prices of U.S. companies are going down, it just means I can buy more of them for the same amount of money. Reacting to market movements by selling or shifting investments is exactly how people lose money. The investors who remain calm and hold steady through volatility typically come out ahead in the long run.
lol it’s not going to zero. It will rebound sooner or later. Just another cycle.
Lol just wait until the reports come out about the inflation rate since Trump took office.
Yeah but I still didn’t burn my money in stocks
Buy the dip.
This is financial advice.