Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
You can compare apples to trains if you want to, that’s not the point.
The original post is a fallacy. Maybe you should accept that and grow as well.
No, it’s not a fallacy. It’s an observation, a demonstrable fact, that Nazis try to appropriate cultures. Punk is a great example of that. The very essence of the original Nazis was to appropriate the culture of patriotism and twist it into a genocidal worldview. It’s very important with the world as it currently is, that you understand how fascism works. If you are arguing in good faith here and not an actual nazi propagandist (sorry it’s impossible to tell) then you really do need to read a bit more about it. There’s not much more I can tell you really.
Fascists appropriate culture in an effort to swell their ranks
Now I’m a Nazi propagandist? That’s low and childish. Now I understand why you went out of your way not to see my point.
Reading isn’t your strong suit, isn’t it kiddo?
Wow, was going to say pretty much exactly this. Thank you.
Dont forget to stay away from beer. 😂
That’s gone over my head old chum. Care to explain?
Not surprised and no.