From the Scottish Owl Centre
Behind the scenes pics of some of the birds on today’s photo workshop with Dean Bricknell; Tony the Tawny loves these adventures into the woods; Mac the Short-eared Owl always looked ready to go-go-go; Rubi the newbie White Faced Owl and new kid Aspen the Tengmalm’s (or Boreal) Owl made their workshop debuts.
My favorite part is the OotY cheerleaders. (They’re capybaras. Their cheers consist of sitting around in puddles and looking chill. Okay I made that up but it woudl be cool. :D
I’ve decided it’s cannon now.
If there weren’t so many AI haters, I could do that! 😅
you could make a post asking for pictures/drawings of people’s favorite owls chilling with capybaras