
From the Scottish Owl Centre

Behind the scenes pics of some of the birds on today’s photo workshop with Dean Bricknell; Tony the Tawny loves these adventures into the woods; Mac the Short-eared Owl always looked ready to go-go-go; Rubi the newbie White Faced Owl and new kid Aspen the Tengmalm’s (or Boreal) Owl made their workshop debuts.

    • anon6789OP
      38 hours ago

      This year’s contest will kick off with another qualifier to eliminate some of the duds from the last bracket near mid-November.

      We do have a lot of fun here. I get a number of people that say they don’t even really like owls that become regulars. Even I just had a modest interest when I started posting, and now I have over 1500 posts and I’m always doing more research because they are such fascinating animals.

      • @Remember_the_tooth
        37 hours ago

        I get it. I will 100% fly out to be a part of a Superb Owl party, and not just because I hear good things about the bean dip and the chicken wings.