I mostly just give a brief rundown of where I’m from, my majors in college, that I met my wife in college, and a blurb about my pets and kids. Oh and usually something vague about my job as well.
You gotta start throwing in some cinderella themes. You didn’t just meet your wife in college; she was your childhood soulmate who moved away when you were young . After searching the world for her for several years, you decided to forsake your majors and instead chauffeur damsels in search of your true love. One day, Fate rewarded you as your wife happened to step in one day. Those kids? All conceived in the very same car you’re driving now. Not sure where the pets come into it, but if you give me an hour or so, I can spin something
Yeah I’d be suspicious of that too.
I mostly just give a brief rundown of where I’m from, my majors in college, that I met my wife in college, and a blurb about my pets and kids. Oh and usually something vague about my job as well.
You gotta start throwing in some cinderella themes. You didn’t just meet your wife in college; she was your childhood soulmate who moved away when you were young . After searching the world for her for several years, you decided to forsake your majors and instead chauffeur damsels in search of your true love. One day, Fate rewarded you as your wife happened to step in one day. Those kids? All conceived in the very same car you’re driving now. Not sure where the pets come into it, but if you give me an hour or so, I can spin something