It’s blatant extortion now.

  • @RestrictedAccount
    122 hours ago

    If he makes Canada a state, he loses control of Congress.

    He would never do that.

    • @WaterFoul
      620 hours ago

      He would never let Canadians vote. He may never let Americans vote again.

        -416 hours ago

        Are you really delusional enough to believe this?

        Is this really how far gone you people are on these forums?

          215 hours ago

          Are you so delusional with American exceptionalism that you don’t think it’s possible for democracy to end in US.

          You’re going down the exact same path that many other countries have. In all likelihood there will still be elections in the US as there are in Russia. But you should expect the elections in to be rigged in the same way as they are in Russia.

          He’s already convinced a lot of people that the elections are already rigged, so it’s likely they will “fix” what he’s called a rigged system.

          Media control is already well underway, same as Putin did.

            -315 hours ago

            You’re twisting your brain into knots to justify all the anti-american propaganda you’ve been fed by news outlets who profit off of your anger.

            Come to the United States and see how out of touch you are with reality.

              413 hours ago

              Is your brain so twisted you don’t see the President of the USA saying he wants to annex my country?

              That’s real, it’s not propaganda. He said it. I’m looking at the words of the of the President of the USA, what are you looking at? Fox News?

              And the only scenario where I’ll be going to the US is if there is a war, and I’d only be going there to blow shit up. I don’t give a shit about how nice you think your country is, if your president betrays us (as he’s constantly saying he wants to do) I’ll be doing everything in my power to destroy your nice comfortable life. That’s what war means and you need to start looking at this for what it is. This may be a game for you, but it’s our country for us. We will defend our country through every means available to us.

    • @T00l_shed
      420 hours ago

      Or he could go the Puerto Rico route.