Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Cuomo stands a good chance of being the next mayor of new york.
That won’t be an institutional Democratic problem. That will be a “people of New York” problem.
Sure, try telling that to joe in south carolina though, all non new yorkers will see is a big democratic city electing a disgraced sex pest again. The media will, like adams, probably herald his election as some sort of bellweather for the party as well.
New Yorkers are fucking stupid when it comes to elections. I think it is in their city guidelines that their mayoral elects had to have been busted with either meth, or a prostitute.