Certainly not for running an LLM on all your files to figure out which ads to show you in the start menu. Why would you even imply something like that?
Why get one new phone when you can get ten and install cloud software on them to run them as a cluster so that they have enough power to run all the latest apps?
Why are you asking? Are you trying to prematurely optimize these apps?
They only came out 10 years ago. If we optimize now, how will we integrate an AI chat agent feature next year?
Certainly not for running an LLM on all your files to figure out which ads to show you in the start menu. Why would you even imply something like that?
*shifty eyes* Um yes
Tell me you are rich enough to always have a new phone without telling me you are rich enough to always have a new phone.
Why get one new phone when you can get ten and install cloud software on them to run them as a cluster so that they have enough power to run all the latest apps?