Jack Schlossberg, former President John F. Kennedy’s grandson, speaks out against his cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign. CNN’s Abby Phillip explains.

  • @Dark_Blade
    331 year ago

    I’m no MAGAnut, but calling Joe the ‘greatest progressive president’ is a joke and a half.

    • @An_Ugly_Bastard
      141 year ago

      He isn’t too progressive, but as far as presidents go, he is very progressive.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Joe Biden may have Article 2 power, but what can he do in the face of God’s Chosen: The Parliamentarian?

      FDR, as a child, had a fleeting thought about one day contravening The Parliamentarian, and god smote him with polio.

      JFK stepped off PT109, and was suddenly struck by a vision of the world of peace and prosperity he could deliver as a politician. His next thought was that he might have to override The Parliamentarian to get it all done, and he was suddenly struck again, this time with Addison’s Disease.

      Biden is truly our greatest progressive president. The Parliamentarian sleeps.

    • ElleChaise
      31 year ago

      Watch out, Jack. You remind me of a guy I grew up with, his name was Patty O’Neal, he sure could move I tell ya. Patty would line up all the neighborhood alley cats and feed 'em leftovers from the school cafeteria… So don’t sell me a flapjack and call it a donut.

    • @MegaUltraChicken
      21 year ago

      Yeah that’s definitely hyperbole, but he’s been significantly more progressive than I expected. I think he’s done a really good job so far, I just hope we can give democrats control of Congress in 2024 to get something done.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      He’s as much of a progressive president as a drop of water when someone is dying of thirst. Sure, he’s better than nothing, and he’s definitely better than the last guy (which i guess in this analogy would be a pure glass of ocean water). But what he’s done is not nearly progressive enough, and to suggest that he’s been satisfactory is a gross overstatement.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        “greatest progressive president” would be more accurate if he said “in america”.

        And yeah, Joe’s America doesn’t score well against happier nations, sure. But he’s well ahead of the recent curve.

        Given JFK’s grandson was comparing Joe to past US presidents, I’m really sure the context can be inferred.

        In a country where for years the “world series” of baseball was just a bunch of American teams, we should be ready to overlook this new assumption.

    • @Darkhoof
      11 year ago

      I would say that he is the most progressive president in the US since Jimmy Carter, at least. Since Roosevelt and maybe LBJ (who signed the Civil Rights Act) who else would you classify as more progressive in the XXth century?