I live with my parents so I don’t pay rent or buy groceries right now. As far as I can tell there is no way to convert the gift cards into money (into my bank account). I can’t add them to Amazon or PayPal or use them to pay off any debt.

Is my only option to literally keep track of how much is left on these gift cards everytime I go out? I have like $550 in gift cards from work that I have received over the last 2 years and never used.

  • @Bakachu
    22 years ago

    I think this is the best answer. It’s so annoying to keep track of balances over multiple cards. And split payments can be unavailable or confusing to navigate on some selling sites. I’ve thrown out cards before with small balances (i.e. $1.67) because too much of a hassle to use. This answer here is gold.

    • @Agent641
      2 years ago

      This is how those giftcard companies make their money. They keep the unspent remainders. I like to use these nearly-depleted gift cards to sign up for audible subscriptions and get free audiobooks lmao.