This is the first time I’ve noticed this, but it seems to be happening regularly with the latest 0.5 Test flight:

  1. I open a post and see comments
  2. I upvote the post, number of upvotes goes up
  3. I swipe right to go back to my feed and see the post does not reflect my upvote.
  • @ShadowCatEXE
    92 years ago

    Likely not. Seems to just be a state management issue. When in a community, and you upvote a post while viewing it, then return back to the community page, your vote doesn’t reflect. But if you refresh, then it shows it.

    Looks like Memmy just doesn’t update the post properly when returning. Coincidentally, the other app you used may have the same issue.

    • SeanM
      22 years ago

      We just started replacing redux with zustand so it’s most likely from that